“Who is this man?”

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Meditation – Saturday, September 14, 2024

John 12: 31-36a (Forward, p. 47) CEV p. 1119

The crowds are understandably confused. Jesus has just intimated that He will die by means of ‘being lifted up’, that is, by being crucified. And so, the crowds ask themselves, ‘how can that be, especially if He is indeed the Messiah?” They say this because their reading of the Hebrew Scriptures leads them to believe that the Messiah will live forever. And indeed, there are many Scriptures that do say this, and are entirely ‘right on’ when one factors in the Resurrection. But, once again, the crowds are missing ‘the bigger picture’, the full story, and so they have trouble believing or putting their trust in Jesus. But we, post Resurrection, have no such excuse. We know that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead, and henceforth is alive forever. We have full and complete grounds to believe in Him and trust in Him, and so there is no excuse. Thanks be to God that we, on the other side of the cross and tomb, now know this for sure, and can more easily have faith. Thanks be to God.

Forward notes: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” (verse 32).

“We are naturally drawn to the light. And it’s not just people who are attracted to light but certain insects and plants, too. I recently bought a new plant at a farmer’s market. She’s a Maranta leuconeura, a native of Brazilian rainforests. I brought the plant home, potted her, and placed her in an ideal spot. Seeing her leaves lift and tilt toward the light streaming through the window brings me great joy. Interestingly, she’s known as a prayer plant because her leaves droop at night and then rebound in the light.

“In my own life, I see this same science at work. The sunrise draws me out of bed each day. The noonday sun draws me outdoors. And the setting sun draws me away from my computer, compelling me to prepare for rest. While I sometimes resist this rhythm of light, I rejoice in knowing that it’s a part of my fundamental nature to be drawn to the light of the sun and to the light of Christ.”

Moving Forward: “How does light play a role in your spiritual life?”


“Such a change of fortunes”


“Hesitancy and recriminations”