Rogation Blessings

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Rogation Blessings of Soil & Seeds

God our Creator, you have ordered seedtime, sunshine, rain and harvest. You have created the seeds, plants, soil and water so there may be food for all your people. May we honour and care for these elements that sustain our earthly life. As the food nourishes our bodies may we be filled with praise and thanksgiving for our Creator.

Blessing of the seed and plants (seeds are scooped up & poured back)

God you have given us these seeds and plants

They have a past. They are the fruit of the past. They have a present. They are to be planted into your soil. They have a future. They are to bear fruit for the harvest. May the miracle of life within these seeds and plants burst forth yielding a bountiful harvest. Bless the seeds and plants and those who plant them.

Blessing of the soil (soil is scooped up and poured back)

God you have created and given us this soil

The soil serves as the medium for the seeds and plants to grow, it cleans water, it regulates climate. It provides warmth, nourishment and support so that new life may emerge. Bless this soil that it may feed and nourish the seeds and plants. Bless those who work this soil and harvest they produce.

Blessing of the water (water is poured into a cup and poured back)

God, this water is your creation

Water gives sustenance and nourishment to the soil, the seeds and the plants. Bless the soil, the seeds, and plants with gentle rain. Bless this water. Let it come as rain at the right time, in the proper amount so that the seeds and plants may flourish and grow. In your mercy send us favourable weather so that the harvest will be bountiful.


Prayer For Students


Collect for Remembrance Day