Pearl Gill - Funeral Sermon
There is something special about home, right? It’s more than just the place. There is something wonderful about coming home and being in a space where you feel comfortable, safe, and unburdened - like you just fit. The interesting thing is when you get close to a person, you can find that people are like home too. It doesn’t matter what you do, or say, or where you are, that person can feel like home. Some of you might be thinking about your childhood, someone special to you, or a moment, and hopefully somewhere right now. Interestingly, as good as these homes can get, there is always a longing for something more, like these homes are just a foretaste of something far greater.
I know that for most of her life, Jen was at home with her parents and in these last few years as she took care of them they were at home with her. I know that between the three of them, they have made many feel at home. It is a gift that we need, but can never pay back. We should be thankful of that gift that we were given.
What now? Well, honestly, no home will be like what came before, but there are still plenty of homes to find. We can all be homes, those safe, comfortable, and relieving friendships, where we all fit and we are all called to be just that. In times of death, we need this more than we ever need it, but we do need home at all times.
The thing though is that all these homes are just foretastes. They are not the greatest home. They are only part of a much grander home that we are meant for. In some sense, we know this. All homes disappear. My childhood home was sold and renovated. I have had a lot of people I loved and felt at home with die or leave. The fact these homes are no more, tells us that we need a lasting home. We need a place and person where we are always safe, at home, and unburdened. Today, we are being invited into this new home.
We are given two images, the first one is of a great shepherd who guides us to places of peace and bounty, who can even guide us through the hardest times, with a bit of correction. Yet, when we follow him, he leads us to a feast, which we can sit and dine at. Notice that it doesn’t promise life will be perfect, but God is telling us that even when times are tough, we can still experience a truly peaceful home in God. The second image is of Jesus dying, being raised from the dead, and then going to God the Father to prepare a place for us. Here we see once again that God in Jesus overcomes all of the hard times, even death itself, so that He might lead us to our true home with Him in eternity.
I know that any death leaves a space. I would encourage you to invite others into that space - they won’t completely fill it, but you may help to fulfill them too. Most of all, I would encourage you to use that space to approach and welcome God. Reach out to Him. Pray. Read. Just spend time with Him. What you will find is that in Him you have an everlasting home that is greater than life or death. AMEN.