Platinum End - Trying to Replace God

Platinum End is an anime that continually makes statements about God, humanity, and the nature of our existence, to such a degree that it feels impossible to keep them sorted. The statements that it makes are so varied and continuous, that if you do not have a strong understanding of your own faith or willingness to believe without completely understanding, you may confuse your faith with what is within to your detriment. Ultimately, even though the show never once made this statement, I believe from a Christian viewpoint the show presents the devil’s work, not God’s.

I will be looking at 3 of the definitive features of Platinum End 1) The nature of this “creature”/god 2) The choice and gifts that are given to the God candidates and 3) The opinions of the God candidates

The whole premise of the show is based on the idea that god is finite. God has a shelf life and so needs to be renewed by someone else taking on that role. This could not be a god that is beyond creation and so either the end of the show where we realize the “creature” was created by greater beings or the professor’s hypothesis that humans created god seem to be reasonable options. The god within the show also seems to have very finite capabilities, infinite wings, and red and white arrows. Though these are amazing they are very limited in what they can do and how they can affect humanity - they do not fit into the miraculous ways that our Christian God works to shape reality and our lives. This god also seems to be limited in his knowledge, in how it can communicate with humanity and has to follow a whole other set of rules beyond itself. Ultimately, this cannot be the Christian God, since our God has shown Himself to be a present God of relationship with infinite potential for love, work, knowledge, power, and more. Genesis 1 and 2 are giant statements that God is beyond creation and so all that was created came from him. Jesus Christ could not have been one of these God candidates as his capabilities, death, and resurrection do not fit in such a world. As much as this seems to try to portray a Christian God (even presenting a cross at the wedding in the last few episodes), it does not present a Christian God or even seem to try. Instead, it presents a god that is somehow too much like the rest of humanity in its brokenness and yet too far away to be of much help. It should not be surprising in such a world that humanity and the “creature” should end as it did in the show when absorption, brokenness, and loss seem to be part and parcel to who god is. This god seems more likely to be a fallen and broken angel or human than anything else. 

The majority of the show however does not seem to deal much with the person of god, but rather with the candidates and the gifts given to them. The God candidates’ lives, which they are about to forgo, are suddenly empowered when they find that they have red arrows (which can make anyone fall in love with them), white arrows (which can kill anyone instantly), and wings (which can make them fly faster than the eye can see). These are originally sold as the gifts of god, but I only find that they can be the gifts of the devil or a god that cares little for humanity. Something that forces someone to love you and do practically anything you ask cannot really be love. It cannot really be good for either relationship, for freedom, or for life. It becomes an instrument of enslaving, abusing, manipulating, hiding and so much more - we see that happening in the show continuously. Something that kills instantly is nothing new but was an instrument of Cain, was the work of the fruit, and has been an instrument of evil for most of humanity's history. There is no real power over life or death only the potential to serve evil and death. Lastly, the wings and freedom to go anywhere, seem the most harmless, but in that they are the most dangerous. They fit within a belief that mobility, and the ability to do what I want when I want it is the greatest freedom. This cannot be farther from the truth. Our wants and our ability to move can just as easily enslave us. If we cannot control our own desires then they control us. Desire along with the ability to achieve it will just as easily push or pull us along to our own destruction; this practically proves true for every character at least in moments. It is rather in controlling and limiting these gifts that the main character finds any redemption at all. In the history of faith, it is so often when the saints are imprisoned that they can testify to knowing freedom and hope in God. It is when the saints are giving it all up that they become the greatest testament to freedom in a loving and powerful God.

Now we come to the God candidates themselves. Their very position all starts with the desire to replace God. This is the sin that began it all with Adam and Eve eating the fruit so they would become like God. Every use of the tools of god, or every argument created within the story from then on becomes a gentle manipulation of the truth to achieve their own will. They make arguments for killing people because they deserve it or want it. They do x in pursuit of happiness. They fight and kill because they think the people deserve death or because they want to taste love. They try to tear down hope and life in pursuit of the “truth” they want. They steal or manipulate others to get what they want or to protect themselves or their family. These are just some of the general mistruths that are presented, each time leading these candidates further and further away from what is good and right in God (the Christian God). There are too many questions that come too quickly to deal with them all, but their challenge to our faith is not real, because they are not dealing with the real materials, but rather gentle manipulations of the truth. If you want to look at their questions a little more, I have compiled a few for you to think about or discuss below.

In the process of manipulating the truth, corrupting love, freedom, and life, creating a fickle and false god Platinum End is presenting the devil more than God. Outside of how god is presented and the consequences of that portrayal, there are only a few other hints that this “creature” is the enemy. The first is that he needs to absorb another human within 999 days, which if you flip it on its head is the devil’s number from the book of Revelation. The second is the ending, this was a creature created for death and deception. It was purposed to overthrow its creator. The things that are above it are a mystery and as they are created things create new mysteries. That death is their pursuit presents us with a hopeless view of the world, which once again is the enemy's work. 


Ep 1

  1. Are there such things as demons or are there only devils in the heart of humans?

  2. What is love?

  3. What is freedom?

  4. Does anyone deserve death? Why?

    1. Should we care?

  5. Does everyone have the ability to find happiness?

    1. Is this what is most important?

  6. Do the angels have any kind of moral compass? Who do they follow?

  7. Peace(ful death), freedom, and love are presented as important to God. Is this true? How are they important to God?

Ep 2

  1. What is God’s purpose?

  2. What are angels purpose? Is it just to have a comfortable life?

  3. What is the image of God? Why is it important?

  4. What is the result of people wanting God's power in the real world?

  5. Only those who have lost their will to live can become god in Platinum Edge, in Christianity only those that give up their life to God can become like God. What is the difference?

Ep 5

  1. Why is it wrong to hate someone?

  2. What's wrong with stealing to protect and provide for your family?

Ep 8

  1. Is there good in facing death?

EP 11 

  1. Can you work to atone for your sins or becoming worthy of living? Why not?

  2. Is life a test?

EP 12

  1. Why should we be sad when anyone dies? Is it important to hold onto all life?

  2. They state that killing someone would eat away at someone. What does killing someone do to you?

  3. Is there another choice other than sacrificing your self or the other to make a better world? Why is sacrifice important for relationships?

EP 13

  1. God can make a loved one into an angel. What is our hope for the afterlife?

  2. What is important about beauty? What taints it? Is love part of beauty?

  3. They make a statement: if there really is a supreme being then all deaths are justified? Is this true? Can any death be justified? How?

  4. Is it unreasonable for the wealthy to support the poor? Wealth is often an unearned gift, is it reasonable for God to expect us to use it to care for others?

  5. Does a poor upbringing/poverty/riches have to shape our personality? How can we rise above our upbringing?

  6. Does riches equate to ability to obtain happiness? Where does happiness come from?

EP 14

  1. How could someone with everything lose?

  2. One of the characters makes a sacrifice for family and is made happy in the end - they state no human has done so much? How is this a great feat?

EP 17

  1. Why is Suicide wrong? Is it just that it makes people feel bad and that it's a nuisance?

EP 18

  1. Is god's capacity only to control humanity?

  2. Does humanity live in the shadow of heaven? What is heaven? How is it different from earth?

  3. Are gifts like wings and arrows are unfair?

EP 19

  1. Can the scientific perspective be compatible with a belief in God?

  2. Why do so many scientists believe God doesn't exist or is fake? 

  3. Why is faith a human need? Isn't this a fact that makes God more likely? Are we made to believe in something?

  4. The professor believes God is energy born of human imagination and that he draws energy from human belief. This is similar to the idea presented in the book/TV show American Gods. Why is this an appealing idea? What does this tell us about our desires?

  5. There is an angel who seeks the destruction of heaven and many angels seeking their own goals. Does this sound like heaven?

  6. They believe God doesn't exist but that it is still important to pray and hope? Why? Would the Christian God want us to pray if he wasn’t real? 

  7. They say that we need God. Why is that true? Why can’t we do it on our own?

  8. They state .1% of people believe in God. This is very unlikely, even if we are being very pessimistic about the numbers. Why are numbers still important to us? Do there need to be a higher number that believe?

  9. The show states that there are no answered prayers. Is this true? Why is this a common perception of people? Are prayers always answered in a way that we expect or in our timing?


  1. The professor states, “I don't want friends”. How could this have lead him to his poor view of humanity and God? Why are friends and community important to our faith and humanity?

  2. They say, since I was born human I want to help them. Is our similarity a reason to help one another? How have we let our difference divide us? 

  3. As humans are physical beings are we predisposed to experience death? If you have experienced someone close to you dying, does it feel natural? Were we physically meant for something more?

  4. Is the idea of nothingness comforting? If yes, why? What are you trying to escape? Is there anything you would like to hold onto? Is there a better option than nothingness?

  5. Creation can not be the creator, because naturally, the creator is beyond it. How does Platinum End try to supervene this truth? How is it possible for Jesus Christ to both be a part of creation and yet God?

  6. How had the professor created a hell around him and in his mind? 

  7. The angel often answers the professor not with a yes or no, but with a hhmm. How is this used to manipulate the professor and his belief? It is not knowledge, even though he convinces himself this is the case.


  1. The professor seems to believe in predeterminism (that everything is already determined). How does this forgo freedom? Who determined this? What purpose would this serve? Why would a scientist want to believe this? Why is consequentialism a product of sin?


  1. The professor states that what you measure as genius is just someone's achievements. Is this true for you or the world? What is actual wisdom and knowledge?

  2. The angel is upgraded for saving someone else, not accomplishing their own interests. Does God work in a simple action repayment model?

  3. What does it tell us about this god, when we find out that he is slowly absorbing the child to stay alive?


  1. What does it tell us that this god was created?

  2. Why does a Christian God care little for meaningless repetition? Why does a Christian God care for us even after we die?

  3. Is happiness the meaning of life?

  4. They wished that our happiness automatically made others happy. Is this possible?

  5. Nasse was a life that existed before god, what does this tell us about this angel and god? Why does her life depend on him still?

  6. Why are they still married before a cross?

  7. They state that god's purpose is to create life on earth, but there is no need to do anything. If god truly cared about life, would he just watch?

  8. In the end, they present, that when god died all people would disappear. Why would this be the case? Do we believe that our life is truly separate from God?

Here is an ending transcript:

Give up on that planet

The life form capable of killing us won't be born there

Isn't it worth seeding another god?

Wouldn't it be easier to identify who created us?

That line of thinking is an endless loop of who created that - it takes us farther away from death

We desire death

That is what we seek

Existence without death is so tedious and futile

We are jealous

When death is guaranteed we are inspired to work hard

Our lives achieve brilliance

What does this tell us about Platinum End’s presentation of humanity, god, and our purpose? Why do we believe that this is not the case?


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