How do we truly serve others? (Bible Study)

Bible Study: Acts 6:1-7, Acts 6:8-15

Acts 6:1-7, 

  1. Vs. 1 - Why is it an important piece of information that this story happens while the disciples were growing in number? What often happens with growth?

  2. What is the difference between Hellenistic Jews and Hebrew Jews? Why would there be discontent between the two?

  3. Why is it important that both of these groups are served? Why is it important that the disciples were serving those outside of their community?

  4. Vs. 2 - Which do you think is more important service or the word?

  5. Why do you think the disciples respond this way? Do you struggle with this? Why would the word be more important to the disciples? Should it be to us?

  6. Vs. 3 - What does this verse say about how important service is to the disciples?

  7. Where does the number 7 come up otherwise? What does this tell us about the newly appointed?

  8. What does it mean to be in good standings and filled with Spirit and wisdom?

  9. Vs. 4 - Why would they need to devote themselves to prayer and serving the word? Does prayer and serving the word still play a part in these 7’s lives?

  10. What does this distinction of roles tell us about the faith community and how we fit in with it?

  11. Vs. 5 - Do you remember any stories about these named disciples? What do these stories tell us about how their roles develop?

  12. Vs. 6 - What does this standing before the apostles and the laying on of hands mean? Does this remind you of anything?

  13. Who are the apostles?

  14. Vs. 7 - Do you think these new roles had a part to play in the growth?

  15. Why do you think that suddenly a great number more of the priests start coming to faith as well?

Acts 6:8-15

  1. Vs. 8 - What does it mean that Stephen was full of Grace and power?

  2. Stephen was tasked to serve, but now he is doing great wonders and signs. What does this tell us about his role and ours? How are the two similar and different?

  3. Vs. 9 - What does it mean that they were from the synagogue of freedmen (Freed Slaves NLT translation)? How would this have shaped their identity?

  4. Why would they stand up and argue with Stephen? 

  5. Vs. 10 - Where did this wisdom and Spirit come from? Why was it so powerful?

  6. Vs. 11-12 - Why would they want to/need to instigate others to lie about Stephen? Why would they want to seize him and put him on trial?

  7. What is blasphemy and why is it so bad?

  8. Vs. 13-14 - Why might someone believe these things about the disciples/Jesus? Why are they not true?

  9. Vs. 15 - What was Stephen doing this whole time? Why was he suddenly glowing like an angel? Do you remember anytime someone else glowed?


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