Measuring the Cost (Bible Study)

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Bible Study Questions

Luke 14:25-34, Luke 15:11-32, Psalm 91

Luke 14:25-34

  1. Vs. 25-26 How does Jesus respond to his popularity?

  2. Why would these things stop someone from being a disciple? Have you ever experienced someone or something you want getting in the way of your faith? 

  3. What do you think Jesus means by hate here? (Relate this to Matthew 5:21-22 and the two most important commandments)

  4. The whole gospel Jesus has been showing us that we are not to abandon people, but what kind of changed relationship is Jesus looking for?

  5. 27 What does it mean to carry a cross? Jesus carried a literal cross, but what did that mean?

  6. Have you or do you have any crosses you need to bear for Christ? 

  7. How is carrying a cross truly being Jesus’ disciple?

  8. 28-30 Have you ever started something you couldn’t finish?

  9. Have you ever experienced that in your faith? What does it mean to build a foundation of faith, but not build on top of it?

  10. What are you trying to build in this life? Can you do it on your own?

  11. What does this ridicule mean to faith in Christ?

  12. 31-32 Jesus uses the image of a battle. What are we/could we be battling against? (Spiritually and physically)

  13. What wars don’t we want to fight? (Spiritually and physically)

  14. When is a delegation or treaty important? What could it mean?

  15. 33 How does giving up everything relate to being able to finish a whole building or win/settle a war? What does this teach us about discipleship?

  16. 34 What are the uses of salt? How does being Christ’s disciple relate to the uses for salt? Why would not following Jesus make us less salty?

  17. What does all of this tell us about our capacity without Christ? What is the cost of following? What is the cost of not following?

Luke 15:11-32

  1. What is the context for this story?

  2. Vs. 11 Who could these two sons symbolize?

  3. Vs. 12 What does it mean for a child to say to their parent that they want their inheritance now, while the parent is still alive?

  4. Vs. 13 What did the younger son want with his life? What did he and didn’t he care about?

  5. Vs. 14 What does this show us about our trust in wealth and its limits?

  6. 15-16 Why would the younger son do this? Are there other options? What does this tell us about our own need?

  7. Pigs were considered unclean (Jewish people were not allowed to eat them), what does it mean spiritually for this man to be serving a citizen of another country by feeding pigs? What was the result? What does that tell us about serving anyone that isn’t God?

  8. 17-19 What did it mean for him to come to his senses? What were the important things he realized?

  9. Why did it take until this moment for him to realize? Why is it often easier for the tax collectors and sinners to follow Jesus?

  10. 20 What was the father likely doing that he saw his son when he was still a far way off? 

  11. What does the father’s response tell us about feelings and desire for his son, even after he treated him as dead, ran away, and wasted everything?

  12. 21-24 Notice the son doesn’t get to finish his prepared statement. What does this tell us about when we come to Jesus as a servant?

  13. How does the father treat him?

  14. The son treated the father as dead, but now we hear that the son was dead and lost. What does that mean? How does that relate to our closeness to God and our life without him?

  15. 25-32 Why is the son angry? Do we ever feel a similar way in this world? Why does it feel unfair?

  16. What is the older son’s situation when he refuses to God back in? What is happening inside vs. outside?

  17. What does the older son not see about his situation? Do you think he really was never given a young goat?

  18. How was the older son actually more blessed than the younger? Why is this unfair?

  19. Compare how the father uses the wealth/bounty vs. how the youngest son does. What does that tell us about what we have been given when gifts are used without God vs. with?

  20. What does this passage tell us about the cost of following vs. not following Jesus?


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