Gather Unity

Galatians 3:26-29

26 - How are we made children of God through faith? What does faith do in us and in our relationship with God?

27 - What does it mean to clothe ourselves with Christ?

28 - Why is this oneness important? What does it mean for the gentile and jew, servant or free, woman or man? Does this mean that all of our difference disappears?

What does this mean for us practically?

29 - How do these two realities lead us to become heirs? What does it mean to be an heir with Christ? 

How would it change our actions if we believed in this hope?

Luke 5:1-11

1 - What does it mean that Jesus shared the word of God? Can we?

3 - Why do you think Jesus went on the fishing boat to teach? What does this tell us about how Jesus can use what we have?

4-5 - What do you think was going through Peter’s mind when Jesus asked him to throw his nets? Have you ever thought something similar?

6-7 - Why does Peter have call for others' help? What does this tell us about receiving God’s bounty?

8 - Why do you think Peter reacted to this bounty the way he did? 

Do you think this was important to what comes next?

Have you ever felt unworthy of what God has given you?

10-11 - What does Jesus mean by you will fish for people? What does this mean to these fisherman? What does it mean for us?

If we were to link these two passages: our unity in Christ with the idea that we are fishers for Christ, does that tell us anything about the community of faith?


Seek the Things that are Above


Lenten Object Devotionals (using household items)