Phil house Phil house

How is Unity Ever Possible?

Today we look at how we can actually find a shared voice, shared mind in God

The Readings are Acts 2.1 and John 14.15

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Phil house Phil house

Overcoming the World by Faith

Today we look at how we have overcome the world by faith. Faith is more than just mental ascent. It is a lived out reality and in that God lives in us. Then as we witness and share God moves out from us.

The Readings are 1 John 5.4 and John 20.19 - Psalm 117 and 118

You can find the service at:

The service begins on pg 4 or 60 on the pdf and generally moves forward from there

Our hymns for today are #205 The Day of Resurrection #231 That Eastertide with Joy was Bright and #216 Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem

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