The Fruit of the Spirit Vs. The Fruit of the Flesh - BCP Communion - The Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity

Today we look at the strange difference between the flesh and the Spirit. What we ultimately see is that God cares deeply for our flesh, but that too often the world and our flesh leads us to practices and distorted desires that pull us away from the very things of God and the things that bring peace and life.

The Readings are Galatians 5:16 and Luke 10:25 - Psalm 133 and Psalm 134 - The Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity - Pg 237

You can find the service at: The service begins on pg 67 or 123 on the pdf and generally moves forward from there

Our hymns for today are #660 God Save the King, #399 Now Thank We All Our God, #454 Revive Thy Work, O Lord and #349 All People That On Earth Do Dwell


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