Phil house Phil house

Sermon - A God Beyond Time

Do you ever feel like there just isn't enough time in a day? Maybe you even feel like there just isn't enough time in life. With so much opportunity, so many wonderful family and friends, so many expectations and deadlines, it can be very easy to feel this. 

As always, God has more for us than we realize. God is beyond time and he longs to bring us into his eternal life. Most of our days we don't realize what this means, but it actually affects everything. Join me this Sunday as we explore three amazing realities connected to this:

  1. Through God we are not bound to the consequences of time

  2. Through God we are united across time and space

  3. Through God there is always enough

These might feel impossible, but don't forget, with God all things are possible.

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Phil house Phil house

Sermon: The Love that Binds

Love binds us. It is the glue that holds family and friends together. It is the gravity that helps us to seek relationships and closeness when nothing else draws us together. Love is the thing that gives everything its substance, worth, and purpose. Love never ends. 

Love is so much more than romance, Valentine's day, or what the world often points to. Join us this Sunday when we explore the godly love that all people long for. We all get tastes of such grand and magnificent love, but few can fully perceive true love. Let us all see this love face to face. 

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